Couple taking a photo of eachother

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We value the opinions of our customers, and so do other travellers. After you stay at a property booked on, you'll receive an email invitation to submit a review. It only takes a few minutes to share your experience—and your photos—to help other members of the community find the perfect place to stay. If you missed your email, you can submit a hotel review from your itinerary.

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NEW: You can now submit reviews in real time! You can provide immediate feedback on your hotel, your flight, your car hire, and any activities booked through Be on the lookout for Real-Time Review emails once your trip gets underway. Please review the Community Guidelines before submitting your review. Community Guidelines

People over the world are part of our online network, sharing verified destination advice. We take the guesswork out of your travel plans.

Help us help you!

Let's face it: making travel decisions can be stressful.'s goal is to remove the confusion, so that you can focus on the fun! We rely on a number of sources for reliable, up-to-date travel information. Our most valuable resource, hands down, is our community of travellers willing to share their experiences—business and pleasure—through reviews, ratings, and comments.

As the largest online travel agency in the world, people trust us and we work hard to earn that trust. Before a review and photos are posted on the web site, we verify that the materials were submitted by someone who actually made a reservation through us. And if you need some help writing your review, we'll give you tips to revise it so that it's clear, concise, and helpful. is all about fostering honest, open discussions between our community members. Share what you liked about a hotel or your trip and what could use improvement, either in a review or comments on another review. We encourage hotel managers and travel suppliers to respond, explaining a situation, adding clarity to a service, or showing their appreciation for your review.

We're honored to have a community comprised of intelligent, interesting people who love to travel. We can't wait to see where you've been, and hear your thoughts about your excursions. Help your fellow travellers avoid dirty bathrooms and over-priced hotel restaurants, and they'll reward you by sharing their pictures of great hidden beaches and out-of-the-way country inns. Everybody wins!

If we all follow a few simple rules, we can create a better experience for everyone.

Online etiquette

Here are just a few common-sense reminders about what's not part of the community:
  • Threats of violence
  • Commercial website addresses or phone numbers
  • Discrimination
  • Harassment or intimidation

Content submission guidelines

  • Focus on your experience. Be honest, informative, unique, and detailed. Stick to content relevant to guests.
  • Use good grammar, spelling, and common sense
  • Reviews and comments on reviews are not the place to ask for help or voice frustration with Please visit our Customer Support site for help.
  • Do not post any personally identifiable information about others, including full names, addresses, credit card numbers, or other personally identifying information. See our full privacy policy here.
  • Refrain from using plagiarized content and hearsay. You may not cut and paste from other review sites or travel sources.
  • Comments containing HTML tags or URLs will not format correctly on our site.

Photos submission guidelines

  • Images must be in BMP, PNG, GIF, or JPEG format
  • File size must be 5 MB or less
  • Image must be at least 60 pixels tall
  • Image must be at least 60 pixels wide
  • No photos, images, or material that is vulgar, pornographic, obscene, profane, illegal, offensive, insulting, objectionable, depicts any nudity, or other non-family-friendly content.
  • No images from other sources or material published elsewhere. No images that infringe on any copyright, trademark, or other legal property right. No logos, titles, branding, promotional material, or any other content intended for commercial purposes.

By submitting any Content to, I acknowledge that I have read and accept the Review and Photo Submission Rules, the Terms of Use, and the Privacy Policy.